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Finding Joy During the Holidays


What is Joy? Throughout the Holiday season, we might hear the song lyrics “Joy to the World, the Lord is come,” or see Christmas decorations around town that say “Joy.” But, do we really feel this way? Webster’s dictionary defines joy as a feeling or source of great happiness, and others describe it as success in doing, finding, or getting something.

Many of us equate joy with something good happening to us – a new baby, a new job or a raise, a child graduating from college or getting married; but how long does this “joy” last? And what if nothing “good” happens? Can we still be joyful?

One of my favorite verses from Scripture is Nehemiah 8:10, which states, “The Joy of the Lord is my strength.” Does that mean God is joyful all the time and how does that correlate to me having strength or even joy?

As I’ve studied scripture, I’ve come to believe that we should all be joyful every day, regardless of the circumstances or events around us. Can you imagine what that would be like? With the ongoing pandemic and terrible fires, tornados, hurricanes, and flooding going on all around us, that might seem impossible. But even science shows that just curling up the muscles in your face to make a smile can make you feel happier.

God made us to be joyful, to love, and to be happy. I’ve found that starting each day by thanking Him and asking for His guidance, I can be joyful in my surrendering. Christ has given us the victory – He has forgiven us, and we have the gift of eternal life if we only confess our sins and accept it! What a joyous blessing!

My new practice, Dr. Palazzo’s Joyful Living, is coming early next year where I will walk alongside you, teaching you and empowering you to gain optimal health. It will be centered around bringing this joy back into your life — all starting with making that smile and surrendering your day to the Lord. What follows is learning how to get restful sleep, have more energy, eat better, and feel more JOY!!

If you want to be the first to know about my practice, feel free to send me your name, email, and phone number to

I wish you and your family a JOYOUS Holiday season!

Dr. P

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